Why doing Pilates on machines?

di: Valeria

tempo di lettura:

8 Agosto 2024

2 minuti

Joseph Pilates had his own mission: creating an effective and universal training method. It is no coincidence that his best-known machine, the so called Reformer, was initially named “Universal Reformer“.

But why should one include machines workout if Pilates can also be practiced only on a mat? Well, let’s quote straight the inventor of this method, who once said: “Of course you can train without machines. But it’s not as efficient, ​​it takes more time. With them, three or four hours of workout a week is enough.” 

J. Pilates was right indeed: research shows that learning new movement patterns is easier under strain since a certain resistance encourages a faster adaptation of the neurological system.

Besides, all the machines conceived by Pilates have almost become teachers themselves: they provide the users with tactile feedback, a good starting position and clear directions of movement, adjusting incorrect movement patterns more easily.

Quoting J. Pilates again:

“I created all these machines […]. I thought, why should I use my own strength? So I gave birth to a machine that could do it for me. You see, it resists your movement so that those long internal muscles have to work properly to respond in opposition. This is the reason why you have to focus on the movements. You must always do it slowly and smoothly. […]”

So what are you still waiting for?

Come and try the greatest Pilates machines at our studios!


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